Euranet Plus Green Deal podcast

The European Union wants to go green. In December 2019, the European Commission unveiled its Green Deal, its roadmap to making the EU economy sustainable and thus achieving its end goal: to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. But what does the Green Deal mean for each of us? As citizens, as consumers, what habits will we need to change to make our day-to-day lives more sustainable? What compromises will we have to make? And what measures can we expect from Europe and our national public authorities to encourage these changes? By delving into daily life across the EU in this Green Deal podcast, our network of radio correspondents provides insight and answers to the challenges facing the bloc.

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Tuesday Feb 07, 2023

Did you know that the building sector accounts for 40 per cent of all European energy consumption? And that it is also the biggest source  of the bloc’s greenhouse gas emissions as it generates 36 per cent of its carbon emissions? It goes without saying that the European Union will not be able to achieve its Green Deal climate ambitions of cutting 55 per cent of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 without ensuring this key sector plays its part.
Renovating your home to make it more energy efficient has great potential for the climate – and for your wallet. So, are you playing you part?
© Photo by Mikhaylovskiy on Shutterstock

Monday Dec 19, 2022

From wrapping paper and packaging to fairy lights, fireworks and Christmas trees, our Christmas customs generate a lot of waste and have a significant environmental impact. In this episode, our journalists speak to people from all over the EU, with a special focus on Europe’s blogging community! They are full of suggestions on how we can celebrate more sustainably.
© Photo by Jenny Ryan on Shutterstock

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

Women, who are more vulnerable to climate change, are at the forefront of the fight against it - although their battle to have a say in the design of climate laws and tools is far from over. Follow the journalists who speak to women across the EU to see if this relationship between gender and the climate really holds true.

Thursday Nov 17, 2022

Extreme weather events, a consequence of climate change, are becoming more frequent and intense around the world. While EU members will also find themselves increasingly compelled to develop politics and strategies to help citizens adapt, the bloc’s water resources require better coordination at EU level too. Listen to what the journalists across our EU radio network found out.
© Photo by Quintanilla on Shutterstock

Friday Nov 04, 2022

Recent disastrous events, the COVID pandemic and then the war in Ukraine, have caused major disruption in supply chains. The European Union feels a pressing need to increase self-sufficiency when it comes to the supply of minerals and other critical raw materials. But if we plan to reshore this supply, we will have to bear the environmental and social costs of our own consumption.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

Can Mother Nature and social media influencers walk hand in hand – or does social media only serve to promote materialism and consumerism, instead of the societal sea change the climate crisis is calling for?
These are the questions asked by our network of pan-European journalists in this episode.

Can justice be a climate avenger?

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022

Citizens, NGOs and other stakeholders are increasingly mobilising to take governments, industries or international organisations to court, in order to obtain climate justice. With climate change-related lawsuits on the rise in the EU and around the world, journalists across the Euranet Plus network have asked this question: are lawsuits the climate's best chance?

Rewilding: Eden on Earth?

Thursday Sep 22, 2022

Thursday Sep 22, 2022

Can we tempt wildlife back to territories invaded by humans? A new episode of our "Green deal" podcast, produced in cooperation with journalists from our European radio network.
© Photo of Lasiommata megera by Bodo Stephan on

Reckless revelry

Monday Sep 05, 2022

Monday Sep 05, 2022

Parties are the time to have a blast, and a break from the constraints of everyday life. With climate anxiety taking its toll on many of Europe’s youngsters, war at the bloc’s borders, the pandemic continuing to rear its ugly head and another major economic crisis looming, it’s no surprise that many wish to put their sense of responsibility to one side to let off steam for a few hours. But does partying have to mean letting go of our environmental convictions? In this episode, our radio journalists went to the party across Europe, to see how it goes...
Photo © Matheus Frade on Unsplash

Food for thought

Friday Jul 15, 2022

Friday Jul 15, 2022

The food we have on our plates tomorrow will depend largely on the choices we make as a society today. These choices are influenced by demographics, health, trade interdependencies, and geopolitics, as the crisis in Ukraine has reminded us all too well. But, most importantly, climate change is playing a spoiler role. So what will we be eating in twenty years' time? A new episode prepared with interviews from across the European Union.
Photo : © Montage with photos by Louis Hansel+NASA on Unsplash


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